The Writing Life, or Why I Don’t Blog Here Very Often

Anyone who writes for the internet for a living and maintains a personal blog that hasn’t been updated in over a year should not be embarrassed. She should be ashamed. I am ashamed. A fine example I set, considering that I recently told a client an effective blog needed to be updated with new content aContinue reading “The Writing Life, or Why I Don’t Blog Here Very Often”

From Great White Daddy to Katie Couric: Evolution of the evening news

For a very long time, network news was all about comfort, authority, and the presence of what I’ve come to think of as the Great White Daddy. America grew up with the notion that at a certain time of day, we could all tune in to one of the Three Big Networks and see (andContinue reading “From Great White Daddy to Katie Couric: Evolution of the evening news”